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The Library Held Special Lecture on Scientific Literacy for Graduate Students

Date:2023-09-21 number of clicks: Edit:bodaweb

Chang'an University Library was invited to participate in the celebration ceremony of the 200th edition of Chang'an University's QingKa Salon on Mar 29th 2023. On the same day, the first lecture of the library's 4.23 World Reading Day series was held. Yin Li, a liberian from the Reference and Consulting Department, gave a special lecture on "Scientific Research Literacy of tools - Document Management and Information Analysis Tools" for over 150 postgraduate students in our university.

Yin Li is professional in bibliometric analysis and intelligence analysis methods, with rich teaching experience in literature retrieval courses and systematic professional knowledge. Her lecture introduced many tools in scientific research, for instance, obtaining literature resources tools, and rapid learning tools, literature and knowledge management tools, innovation trends and research topic analysis tools, paper writing tools. The lecture aimed to help students provide an overview of useful software tools in the scientific research process, improve their ability to obtain and utilize literature, further improve their information literacy, and help students navigate the research path smoothly.

In order to support the school's teaching, research, and innovation, the library has been continuously adjusting and constructing resources according to the needs of teachers and students for several years, expanding personalized innovative services, promoting the integration of literature resources with teaching and research. and solidly playing the role of the library's resource center empowering the value of innovation centers.