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Borrowing Rules

1. Our library implements open-shelf borrowing for books. Readers can use their own borrowing card to borrow books in the library.

2. Readers should check the selected book for any stains (such as scribbling, cutting, water stains, damage, etc.). If there are stains, staff should be urged to handle them before borrowing the book. Otherwise, the readers who lent the book will bear the responsibility for the stains.

3. Please go to the borrow and return desk to complete the borrowing procedures after selecting the books.

4. Please cherish books and without damage them. Please return the books on time. If lost, compensate 5-10 times the book price based on the inventory situation, or buy the same version of the book. Books that are stained or damaged may be fined according to the circumstances.

5. Number of borrowed books: 10 for undergraduate students, 20 for graduate students, and 20 for teachers. The borrowing period is 60 days, and renewal procedures can be processed upon expiration, with a renewal period of 20 days. Those who fail to repay on time will be fined 0.05 yuan per copy for one day of delay.

6. All the books borrowed must be returned before these situations: (1) staff quitting, (2) students graduation, (3) long-term business trips, going abroad, staying on duty without pay for more than 3 months and (4) staff pursuing graduate studies.

7. Non-CHD readers can borrow books with the "Universal Library Card" and their own credentials, and pay a deposit of 3-5 times the book price.